Hey everyone! It’s been a wild ride these past few weeks, so I thought I’d drop an update on all the crazy but awesome stuff happening.
Let’s start with the clubs—because that’s basically half my life right now. I’m on the board of Science Alliance, AnthroMinds, the Cal High Tap Initiative, and NVLP. Meetings are pretty much nonstop. AnthroMinds is especially exciting because we’re expanding it to other schools, which feels huge. It's kind of surreal seeing something you’re passionate about grow beyond your own school.
Oh, and Cal High Tap just kicked off, so that’s been keeping me busy. I’ve been volunteering with NVLP, too, and it’s still going strong! I love getting to help out, and it’s one of those things that makes the hectic schedule worth it.
On the academic side, AP Calc BC and AP Lang are kicking my butt. Not gonna lie, they’re tough. Anddd the rest of my classes? All weighted, all difficult. It's a lot. Balancing everything has been a challenge, but at least I’m learning how to power through.
In more exciting news, I published my first research paper in Curieux magazine! My second one is currently being edited for Young Scientist Journal. It feels like such a huge accomplishment, and I can’t wait to see where this takes me.
But yeah, that’s what’s been happening—meetings, clubs, classes, volunteering, research. You know, the usual etc. etc. Hoping I’ll survive it all with some sanity left by the end of the semester!
- AnthroManTalks